POGESTEI – Post-Graduate Studies for European Integration at Faculties of Law of the Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš – Serbia

POGESTEI project was part of the Tempus Joint European Project aimed to increase cooperation and network-building between actors in higher education in EU Member States and partner countries. Three years action plan started in September 2005 and was completed in August 2008.

General objectives were:

– Contribute to the effectiveness of the “stabilisation and association” procss concerning Serbia and Montenegro;
– Contribute to the implementation of national and international (Bologna declaration) standards concerning the reform of higher education;
– Provide the students from remote underdeveloped areas in Serbia with the possibility to achieve – through the e learning system – the LLM in European integration.

Specific targets related to the faculties of law at the universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis:

– Prepare and implement the curricula and syllabus;
– Improve teaching methodology;
– Prepare up to date teaching material and textbooks where it is necessary;
– Train teachers;
– Establish the e learning system;
– Ensure sustainability of the program by its accreditation, by preparing the agreement on the joint LLM degree and by transforming the consortium in the Network, within which the quality of the program will be supervised and further co-operation between the members will be organised.

University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, Slovenia (project coordinator)
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, Serbia
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Law, Serbia
University of Niš, Faculty of Law, Serbia
European University Viadrina, Faculty of Law, Germany
University of Insubria, Faculty of Law, Italy
University of Salzburg, Faculty of Law, Austria
University of Trieste, Political Sciences Faculty, Gorizia Campus, Italy
ECERS – European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies at the University of Maribor, Slovenia
ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies, Maribor, Slovenia
TELEKOM Srbija, Serbia

The POGESTEI MASTER IN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION study curricula offers four different modules (with enumerated subjects) related to different aspects of European integration.

Module 1: Foundation and Purposes of the European Integration
– European Union Constitutional Law
– Judicial Protection in the EU
– International Private Law in the Context of the EU Legal Structure
– Legal and Socio-Economic Aspects of the EU Integration of Serbia in the EU

Module 2: Business Law and the EU Integration
– Competition Law and Policy of the EU
– Company Law of the EU
– EU Tax Law
– EU Intellectual Property Law

Module 3: Human Rights and Democracy in the EU
– Democracy and Human Rights in the EU
– EU Law on Elimination of Discrimination
– Labour and Social Law in the EU – Human Rights Aspect
– EU Environmental Policy and Law – Human Rights Aspect

Module 4: International Aspects of the EU Integration
– EU Trade Policy and the World
– EU Neighborhood Policy and Law
– Geopolitical Perspectives and Consequences of the EU Enlargement
– EU Common Foreign, Security and Defence Policy

Module 5: Practical Skills (mandatory for all students)
– POGESTEI English Terminology
– POGESTEI Internet
– POGESTEI Research Methodology